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The Fun Food Academy has the step by step strategy to help you eat healthy at home and sustain it, in just 6 weeks.

Let’s face it, if counting calories or following the latest diet trend was going to work for you, it would have worked by now.

THE TRUTH: You love food.

You might even say that eating is your Love Language.  

You want to be health-conscious, even health-focused but not health-obsessed. You still want to enjoy a variety of foods, but it seems like to eat healthily, “they” say you can’t eat anything you enjoy.

Your goal is to be healthy, but every version of healthy that is currently being taught is full of “fake foods”, a laundry list of rules to follow and an even longer list of foods you can’t eat.

What used to be a fun and enjoyable experience, now feels like dancing in a minefield, being careful to follow all of the healthy eating “rules”. And quite frankly, you’re over it.

It’s time to make food fun again.

The problem with all of these diets is they are all about tons of restrictions and super rigid rules. And it’s just not working for you.

It’s about being informed about food, not afraid.

You’ve read the articles. You watched the documentaries.

Listen, doctors, nutritionists, dietitians, and healthy internet “gurus” can tell us what to eat, and why we should eat it. The facts and figures about poor eating habits, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure can attempt to “scare us straight”.

So why doesn’t it stick?

Because when we get home, in the kitchen, to real life, we actually have to do it. Being told to eat healthier is one thing, actually living it out in real-time is another. There are major obstacles that can get in the way of the best intentions. Life can be crazy busy sometimes, that’s why the Fun Food Academy equips you with the systems and processes you need to eat healthy and enjoy doing it, consistently.

You need a practical approach to healthy eating. One that fits with the way you live.

You already know that what and how you feed your body will directly affect how you feel mentally, physically, and emotionally. You have already decided that you want to be proactive about your health versus reactive. You’ve witnessed others change their lives and even their medical conditions once they changed how they ate. Now you’re ready for your turn.

Hi, I’m Chef Evelyn.

In 2016 I was diagnosed with cancer and had to significantly change the way I cook and eat. To be honest, I wasn’t excited about it. I just knew that this new ‘diet ’ I had to follow was going to feel worse than the actual diagnosis.

My doctor told me, “Evelyn, you’re a chef, this should be easy for you.” Little did I know, but that one statement was the end to my frustration and the beginning of a new way of life. What if I could make delicious food and make it healthy without all of the fake meats, fake cheeses, and other weird substitutions? Furthermore, What if I could take healthy food and use my classical culinary technique to make it delicious to the point that no one even realized it was healthy? What if I just made really good food? What if I took what I have learned from over the past 10 years of teaching thousands of people how to cook and help them create a healthy eating lifestyle that was tailor-made for them and help them overcome the 6 main obstacles that keep people from eating healthy consistently. What if I could show others how to bridge the gap between delicious and nutritious, just like I had to do for myself? 

That’s how the Fun Food Academy was born. 

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What is the Fun Food Academy?

The Fun Food Academy is a 6-week online experience designed to help you eat healthy at home and ENJOY IT!

It’s a systematic approach to healthy eating that helps you overcome the obstacles that get in the way of being consistent.

It’s a process of changing your perception of how you nourish your body.

It’s about creating a realistic and personalized healthy eating game plan that you will actually follow.

It’s a journey of falling in love with food again.


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PRE-WORK - You will Establish a healthy eating mindset and a healthy relationship with food so that your new lifestyle starts with excitement, determination, and curiosity so that you won’t give up along the way as you have in the past.

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Module 1 - You will Solidify Healthy eating as a priority so that you clearly understand how this lifestyle change will benefit every area of your life and so that you will stay motivated and encouraged as you move forward. No more slipping back into your old eating habits or getting tripped up and falling off the wagon.

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Module 2 - You’ll Develop your Customized Healthy Eating Game plan so that you have a realistic plan that fits your lifestyle, goals, and desires. The plan we develop together will be based around the way you work, live and play because the only diet that will ever work is the one that you stick to. You will develop a plan that is expansive and exploratory rather than confining and restrictive.

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Module 3 - You will Implement time-saving strategies so that you can stay on track with your new fun food lifestyle when life gets busy when you are traveling and for those times when you just aren’t in the mood. You can still stay on track!

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Module 4 - You will Create a practical system for eating healthy consistently so that you aren't reinventing the wheel every time you are trying to decide what to eat. You will Eliminate decision fatigue, and set up an easy, reliable system for “meal planning” that doesn’t take hours to create or prepare.

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Module 5 - You will finally Eliminate Recipe Boredom so that you don’t get tired of eating the same thing over and over again. In this module, you will learn how to add some gourmet to your every day, so that repetition doesn’t encourage you to quit your game plan. You will Curate a collection of recipes that are customized to your healthy eating game plan so that this new lifestyle is a Fun new adventure instead of a cruel culinary punishment.

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Module 6 - Strengthen your Culinary Skills, Increase your food knowledge, and Build confidence in the kitchen so that you can experiment with new recipes and cuisines with ease. You will learn how to move through the kitchen quickly and confidently and finally become the amazing cook you always knew you could be.

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Virtual Dinner Party (Graduation) - We will Celebrate your new lifestyle with fun, food and a few surprises. You don’t want to miss this!

You don’t have to choose between a delicious meal and a nutritious one.


What she said…

Love from the “Gram
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Weekly Video Modules

The process to creating a healthy lifestyle that you love has been broken down into bite sized pieces. Each Week during the academy, a new lesson with videos, worksheets and assignments will be release to you so that you can you complete this journey without overwhelm.



This program is for you if:

  • You View Your Health as Your Wealth

  • You Believe in Investing in Your Health

  • You are Ready to make a Significant Lifestyle Change

  • You are Excited About Beginning a Healthy Eating Journey

  • You are Open to Trying New Foods and New Ways of Cooking

This program is Not for you if:

  • Not ready to make a lifestyle change

  • Just looking for a collection of recipes

  • Not willing to cook at home

  • Wanting to drop weight fast or get healthy just for an event

  • Believe that eating healthy is “expensive”

Does this sound familiar?

One minute you’re doing great, eating healthy, feeling proud that you are finally committed to taking care of your body and then the next thing you know, you’re in the drive-thru at Chick-fil-a, standing in line at Chipotle and having Postmates delivered 5 days in a row. Then you start over and repeat the cycle again and again. Yep, I’ve done it.

You’ve tried ALL. OF. THE. THINGS…

  • Smoothie Challenges

  • Juice/Water Fasts

  • Intermittent Fasting

  • Cleanses & Detoxes

  • Doing Keto

  • Going Vegan

  • Trying Paleo

  • Having “Cheat Days”

  • Everything made from Cauliflower

  • Giving up Bread

  • Giving up Sweets

  • Giving up Meat

  • Giving up Grains

  • Giving up Dairy

  • Eating Fake Meat

  • Consuming Fake Cheese

  • Weird Cardboard-like Pizza Crust

  • Strange Chewy Pasta


Been. There. Done. That.

While you know there are benefits to each one of these styles of eating, committing to them for a lifetime seems overwhelming, daunting and just downright boring 🙄, if we’re being honest.

You know you can’t live a life that is only filled with kale, quinoa and cauliflower rice.

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In case I forgot to mention…

I’m Evelyn and It’s my mission to make healthy food fun!

I first began cooking when I was just 6 years old and I began my first culinary business at 15.

Over the years, I’ve worked as a personal chef, caterer, cooking school manager, culinary instructor, resident chef, executive chef, pastry chef, food blogger, and brand ambassador. I’ve been blessed to have assisted various celebrity chefs throughout my career, such as Oprah’s Private Chef Art Smith, Martin Yan of Yan Can Cook, Food Network’s Guy Fieri, and The Chew’s Mario Batali. I’ve also had the pleasure of cooking for Grammy Award Winner Sheryl Crow, Food Network’s Giada DeLaurentis, Author & Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts, and New York Times Best-Selling Author, Movie Producer and Mega-Church Pastor Bishop T.D. Jakes.

I graduated from the International Culinary Schools at the Art Institute of Dallas, where I graduated with honors. I also hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemical & Environmental Engineering from Tuskegee University. And when I’m not cooking or consulting, I spend my time pretending to be a Quiet Storm DJ😂.